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Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Marshalling a Legion: Part 1; Starting off

Hi all, I recently attended the Horus Heresy Weekender and have started off a new project to build up a new Space Marine Legion army.  For my Legion I've picked Imperial Fists as they're going to be a nice challenge to paint plus their rules are good for playing them in game.  So I thought as I progress this force I'd post up a series to link with that.

This first one I'm going to talk a little about starting off a Horus Heresy (or 30k) army using the Forge World books available, so this first one I'll discuss a bit about picking your army and then show you the first mini that I painted for my force.

The first step in starting 30k is to pick your legion, which has three major ways to choose from what I've done and from hearing how other people have chosen.  The first is to go with one that has captured your imagination in the novels and background fluff, which is how I chose my original legion which was Iron Hands following reading novels and short stories like Fulgrim, Riven etc.  The second is to look at the colour schemes and chose one which you'd like to paint, either because you like the colour or want a challenge such as painting white or yellow.  The final way is to look at the rules and playstyles of the legion and pick one that suits your tastes.

I picked Imperial Fists as my legion for the project because I wanted to paint yellow as it can be a hard colour to paint and I was planning to make a zone mortalis themed force of infantry and dreads suited to corridor fighting which the Imperial Fist rules and units do well at.  So as my army progresses I will post updates on my painting, how it plays gaming-wise etc and as such below is the first model I did for the army which is Captain Alexis Polux.

Hope you've enjoyed this little blog post about a personal project and keep your eye out for more updates on the Imperial Fists.

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