Hi all,
I haven't gotten much further with painting the hive tyrant but instead this week I managed to borrow some models off a friend and play a 1875pt game so thought I'd do a short one about my experiences so far.
I was using a flying hive tyrant with lash whip, bonesword and heavy venom cannon, 2 units of 30 termagants, a unit of 30 hormagaunts, 2 tervigons, 2 exocrines, a unit of 3 zoanthropes with neurothrope, a venomthrope, a unit of 4 warriors with 2 boneswords and lash whips, 3 deathspitters and a barbed strangler using a Combined Arms detachment. I was playing against raven guard using a talon strike force with a pinion demi company, which mostly deep struck or outflanked, a librarius conclave of 3 and a shadowstrike kill team.
The battle went well, playing a maelstorm mission, my tervigons were disappointing as they did little before getting killed, while the gaunts of both kinds did very well holding up space marine units and even wiping some out after a few turns. I really liked the exocrines, their Ap2 high strength weapon really helped against the marines where other units just had to rely on weight of shot to do damage.
Another unit I like were the zoanthropes as they more than earnt their points back and worked well to anchor the back line of the army against the deep striking stuff and take on the librarians.
I didn't get much out of my tyrant till the last turn but I think I needed to play it more aggressively rather than holding it back in future games.
I definitely want to get an exocrine and loads of gaunts for this project as for me they're what worked well during the game so I'll probably look into the endless swarm formation, which allows gaunt units to go into ongoing reserves when destroyed on a 4+.
Hopefully I should have a guide for how I'm painting my Tyranids plus a fully painted Tyrant to show with it next weekend.