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Sunday, 31 January 2016

New Year, New Army: Tyranids

Hi guys

With 2016 being a month old now, I thought it was a perfect time to share on of my new projects for the year.  I was inspired by the "getting started" boxes that Games Workshop have release to start a new 40k army different from the many shades of power armour I normally do, so I'm starting to collect Tyranids.

For those who don't know Tyranids, they are a race of bio-weapons controlled by a central hive mind who's only aim is to consume biomass and increase their numbers.  They area a bug like swarm consisting of a multitude of differing creatures each suited to a particular role whether that be overwhelming with numbers, attacking from below, scouring the skies or killing people with mind bullets there's a Tyranid for every job, even their ammunition and ordinance are smaller Tyranids.  This race of bio-weapons also has no vehicles in their army list, rather they have a vast array of differing monstrous creatures which will be very different from any army I've collected before as I like my tanks.

As I mentioned above I've got the getting started box which contains a hive tyrant,3 warriors and 10 gargoyles to start my army with the plan being to expand from this to create about a 2000 pt army, maybe even taking it to tournaments and to use in a narrative campaign I have ideas for later in the year potentially.

The first model I've worked on is the Hive Tyrant which I've built on foot with bonesword, lashwhip and heavy venom cannon and for the colour scheme I picked black glossy carapace with orange accents, green fleshy parts and the weapons will be a dark red. The picture below shows the progress so far, the green is almost finished requiring a wash in the recesses to finish off and the black has been gone over.

There will be more progress on the painting side next weekend and I'm also hoping to write some reviews and tactica for units and formations.  Let me know in the comments if there's any particular unit or formation you'd like me to review.

Thanks for reading, you can find more posts about designing a game on the blog and more posts like this will be coming in the future.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

A Belated New Year Post

Hi all
I haven't posted in a while as things have been busy with phd work and moving house but now being moved in I have some time again to do this blog so I thought I'd update you on what I have planned for the beginning of this year.
I have a new 40k and horus heresy project  for my games workshop stuff, plus have started playing infinity recently so will be sharing my experiences and models from that.
I hope also to continue my dropzone stuff  and write more about game design with potential for sharing some background for a game that I've been designing.
Keep an eye out for this future content.